Monday, March 5, 2012

3.1.5 Variable Functions


1. Set the plus command to go to a -1.



Files can be found here.

Picture of completed program:

1. The best way to check that the wiring is correct and the partrs are running correctly is to attempt to run the program and check to make sure it works correctly.

2. The importance of labeling block functions is to clarify the function of the parts, and also to prevent chaos and disorder in terms of visual understanding and comprehension.

3.1.6 Open and Closed Loop Systems

The program files can be found here.


1. An open loop system that could benefit from feedback is someone practicing a sports move repeatedly, like batting in baseball or hitting serves in tennis. The information recieved could help increase the rate of imporvement for the person participating and practicing.

2. A close loop system is homework for math class. When we recieve it with comments on what we need to change or do better, we can adjust ourselves for the next assignment and increase our possible points recieved on the next homework.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

3.1.2 Flowcharting

1. Each location is used as a reference point for the other locations, and they can lead between themselves while simultaneouesly standing as independent points.

2. Wake up- Take shower- eat breakfast- get dressed- go to school.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Moneyball Questions

1) What was the “Moneyball”approach that Billy Beane and Peter Brandt applied to the Oakland Athletics 2002 season? Was it an “art” or a “science”? What single statistic did they boil their value consideration down to? (In class research/discussion)
The "Moneyball" approach was that rather than go for well rounded players, they would go for people who were able to get on base and were able to cancel the other team. This approach is a science, because it uses relevant factual information and statistics to make decisions regarding players, not a scout's "intuition".

2) What is the equation used to calculate OBP? (In class research/discussion)
OBP is calculated by finding how often a player is able to get on base divided by his total number of bats, excluding non-hit situations.
3) What is design? (In class research/discussion)
Blend of creativity and art with realistic development, leading to the use of creativity and artistic abilities within the confines of utility and possessing intent to achieve a specified goal.
4) Describe 3 situations where movie characters (intentionally or not) applied a step from the PLTW 12 Step Design Process. Explain both the (a) situation as well as (b) how the step is relevant:
1 -
a) the trainer refused to play anybody on first base except Pena, while Bean wants the team played differently.

b.) Bean limits the usable resources of the team by removing Pena from the team, forcing a change in the team's composition and strategy.

2 -
a.) the scouts are trying to decide who they will pick as new players.

b.) Bean asks them to identify the basic question, going back to the original step of the 12 step process.
3 -
a.) the team hires a pitcher with a weird throw who is older than usual.

b.) the select him because while he doesn't fit the scouts' ideas about a good player, his throw and abilities are up to par with the statistical numbers that Bean expects.

5) What is “Leadership”? List the three aspects of leadership that we come up with in class. (In class research/discussion)

1 - Leads by example, doing things that the students will do to show that the leader will do what everyone else will do.
2 - Takes charge of activities by giving clear instructions and defining the steps to achieve goals
3 - Encourages interest and maintains focus/structure for achieving goals.

6) Describe 3 circumstances from the story where a character exercised effective leadership:
1 - when Billy Bean tells his new assistant to fire a player.

2 - his interaction at the scout talks

3 - the point where Billy confronts the manager about how he is using the players.

7) According to the movie, what was the A’s record at the start of their winning streak? 75 : 50

8) What does this ratio simplify to (roughly)? .6 : 1

9) How long was the A’s record setting winning streak? 20 games won.

10) Given the A’s win/loss ratio at the start of the streak (listed two questions above), what are the odds of winning 20 games in a row? Run the numbers. (In class research/discussion)
.6^20= 3.65615844 × 10-5 = much less than .01%.

11) Based on your calculation, do you think the A’s got lucky or was there something to the Moneyball approach?

I think it was the Moneyball approach. The chances of this kind of record otherwise is astronomically small, to the point that it is comparable to the chance of being struck by lighting just by walking outside.

12) Did Billy Beane strictly apply the “science” of Moneyball to his management approach? Was there an “art” to his efforts as well? Describe a circumstance where he broke from the Moneyball approach to make a positive change for the team.

He broke from his approach to hire Giambi's younger brother based on the science of moneyball, but had to fire him because he generated a low morale and fought against the things that the Moneyball system was tryinng to achieve.

Bonus Question (look into this if you’ve finished ahead of the class):
Money Ball was originally a book. What author wrote the book? What other books has this author written? Is there a theme to his writing?

Money Ball was written by Michael Lewis, who also wrote How to Win an Unfair Game. His books tend to be about the influence of economics and math into fields usually considered to do without those things.

It's "Oscar Season", will Moneyball win the Oscar for any of the categories it's up for?

I haven't seen the Oscars, but maybe.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

3.1.5 Variable Functions

Q1: 5 seconds

Q2: you can change +1 to -1 or +(-1)

Q3: the number of times a manufactured item has been made (stock/inventory

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Energy Powerpoint Slides

The 2 slides can be found here

1. Describe one thing that surprised you about the energy source that you researched and presented.
The extent and possibilties of hydropower extend beyond simple dams: with hydro power, we could harness the power of waves, of oscillating motion, of almost anything that in any way involves water.

2. Describe one thing that surprised you about an energy source that another team presented.
I had never realized the true extent that solar power could be harnessed: I was impressed by the fact that a few solar panels could keep a pool heated, especially considering how much water an average home swimming pool has.

3. Describe and defend what you believe to be the most important technological need regarding energy.
I think that the most important current need for energy technology is its dependence on clean energy sources. Regardless of whether or not global warming is real, CO2 is a serious problem and we don't want the US to turn into a giant Mexico City, where there are smog warnings daily.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What is Elementary?

What is "machine learning"?
Machine learning is when a computer has a large enough and reliable enough basic set of data and examples that it can determine mathematically what a newly introduced stimulus is.

How did the IBM team employ that concept in the development of Watson's AI? What advantage did that provide over previous attempts at "intelligence"?
The machine learning was used as the basis of the ability to answer: a huge amount of old jeopardy questions, along with saved files of databases, allows Watson to take a question and reference it to all the documents in his memory, then statistically determine which keywords are important, and what the correct final answer is. This allowed Watson to react to new questions by determining the correct formulas and algorithms to find an answer.

I've often mentioned the term "Empirical Scepticism". What does that mean? How does that relate to the concept of Machine Learning? How does this relate to your life?
Empirical skepticism is separating true fact from opinion. This means that whenever we receive information, even if we feel it is from a reliable source, it probably has the feelings of an individual externally effecting it. Machine learning's strategy of intelligence retrieval seems to be a way to overcome this: by examining so much evidence, it is possible to determine only the truest of true facts about any given thing.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Engineering Ground Zero

What different "trades" (types of construction work) are featured in this video? Name at least three.

1. glass makers
2. metal workers (the nameplates)
3. construction workers
4. concrete mixing/generation
5. general construction/contractors
6. plumbing/electrical/heating system workers
7. stone workers

What aspect of the project is most interesting to you? Why is that?
I really liked the wiers for the memorial. I thought it was interesting how a part of the project that seems so small could actually be a major component of the project, to the point that it being wrong would ruin the entire memorial.

(as a side note, look for the steel cable that breaks at just after the 4 minute mark... yeow! that could take a limb off)